10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

6. The Secret Suicide Pact - Psychonauts

Franklin Animal Crossing
Double Fine

Though it's beautifully goofy throughout, Psychonauts is capable of perhaps some of the darkest moments in video games. You play it for the comedy and beautiful, creative worlds you explore, but you stay for the grim reveals about beloved characters.

The most infamous of these is Milla's, where the ever-happy and bubbly psychic is revealed to harbour massive guilt about being unable to save the children in the orphanage she worked in, which burned down with them inside. As dark as that may seem, Milla does appear to be working on dealing with her grief.

Seemingly to contrast this, we are provided with two people who aren't dealing in any sense of the word: Clem Foote and Crystal Flowers Snagrash. The unofficial cheerleaders of the camp, both appear to be peppy, happy folks, determined to make their good mood help everyone.

Only, if you catch them at inopportune moments, it becomes clear the pair are not as cheery as their other appearances would suggest. In fact, the two are actively planning their own deaths, which they initially plot to do through poison, but also attempt to carry out by jumping off the roof of the main lodge.

Mercifully, these plans fail, and after Raz saves them from having their brains kidnapped (it's a long story), they seem to gain a new lease on life. However, until then, it's a pretty grim tale.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.