10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

5. You Create Military Weapons - Slime Rancher

Franklin Animal Crossing
Monomi Park

Playing through Slime Rancher, it feels as though the weirdest thing you're going to see is a slime go feral if you forget to feed it - and that's a problem that can easily be avoided or solved.

However, there's actually more way more messed up moments than that, especially if you're paying especial attention to where your slime "plorts" (try not to think about what they are) go, and what they're used for. None of these are exactly delightful - for example, your Tabby slime plorts are used for "performance enhancing products", which sounds sketchy on several levels.

Which is still nowhere as sketchy as the Boom slime plorts, which the military are reportedly planning to use for "medical technology and other stuff". What other stuff could they possibly be making, other than explosives and other weaponry.

You're not exactly a villain for this, but there's something decidedly unsettling about realising that you're providing a faceless military you know nothing about with basically boatloads of nitroglycerin. Turns out Slime Rancher and Papers, Please are more similar games than you might expect.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.