10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

4. You Were In A Coma The Whole Time - Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter (DS Edition)

Franklin Animal Crossing
5th Cell

Drawn to Life is an E-rated game, which involves whimsically drawing your own hero to take through Mario-esque worlds of platforming and fun.

And, for the entire of the first game and majority of the second, that's all it ever is - right up until the ending of the second game. In the credits, it is suddenly revealed that this fantasy world is actually the dreamt imaginations of a boy who is in a coma from a car crash, that also severely wounded his sister and killed his parents.

Yeah, you heard that right: his parent die in the ending. It's supposed to be happy, seemingly, because he does wake up from his coma to hug his still-wounded and traumatised sister, but this totally glosses over the fact that these freshly orphaned kids are now going to have to adjust to the worst parts of the real world real fast now.

Also, the idea that your fun whimsical adventures were actually the ravings of a child trying to regain consciousness is more than a bit messed up - which may explain why the later release of the game changed this ending.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.