10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

3. The Human Race Is Extinct - Splatoon

Franklin Animal Crossing

With its bright colours and focus on fun, quick gameplay in both solo and multiplayers modes, it's easy to get sucked into Splatoon without really learning anything about the world. And who could blame you, really - as playing as a fish person who uses paint to fight seems so cartoonish that that's all there is to it.

However, the Splatoon world is a pretty well-fleshed out place, if you unlock and read all the Sunken Scrolls. If you do, something else becomes clear: the world of Splatoon is actually a version of Earth many years in the future.

As these documents uncover, the human race is wiped out due to rising ocean levels caused by global warming. You even see a human skeleton, complete with a games console nearby, which we're told are fossils from 12,000 years ago.

While it's equally interesting to learn about the history of the various aquatic factions that make up the cast of Splatoon, it also comes as more than a bit of a shock to casually learn this world is technically a bit of a dystopia.


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