10 Simple Video Games That Are Too Brutal To Master


€˜Deceptively simply€™ should be the tagline for VVVVVV, a puzzler platform developed and published by Nicalis back in 2010. The game itself revolves around Captain Viridian, a captain trapped in an alternate dimension, trying to rescue his crew and find a way home.

Instead of jumping, players are able to manipulate gravity, alternating between the floor and the ceiling in order to advance past obstacles. Simple.

At first, this mechanic is used fairly simply, requiring the player to jump gaps, avoid spikes and advance to the nearest checkpoint. Of course, later in the game, it gets downright sadistic; you€™ll fine yourself rotating gravity several times between platforms, avoiding dozens of obstacles in order to make it to safety. The layout of the world is also infuriatingly convoluted, and though you€™ll find yourself trying to memories certain routes, you€™re going to get lost, often.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.