10 Small Details Video Games Still Can’t Get Right
4. NPCs Not Matching Your Pace
This entry might seem a little hypocritical considering I just criticised games for wanting players to speed through environments, but there's a difference between moving through the game at your own pace and being forced to come to a crawl because an objective requires you to follow an NPC.
Though these sections aren't inherently bad, and often award a breather between the action where you can get filled in on vital plot elements, why do the developers always make the NPCs slower than you? Being stuck behind slow walkers when you need to get somewhere is bad enough in the real world, and there's no reason that frustrating social situation needs to be replicated in games.
It's even worse if there isn't a walking option, so you're forced to run ahead, wait for them to catch up, run ahead and repeat until the section finishes.
The fix seems simple: just make the NPCs match your default speed. Games like Red Dead Redemption solved this years ago, and yet it still crops up, and is absolutely infuriating each and every time.