10 Spider-Man Comic Arcs That Would Make Incredible Video Games

5. Ends Of The Earth

While many of Peter Parker's enemies would be content to just kill their adversary and resume a life of petty crime, there are a few who always take the scale of their plans to much larger levels. Doctor Octopus is a sterling example of one of these, with killing Spider-Man usually amounting to a stepping stone in his various plans for total world domination. In Ends Of The Earth, Octavius has managed to convince the majority of the world that he has a solution to the greenhouse effect (which he had actually increased with his Octavian lens) and is purported to be a saviour for the human race. Peter of course realises this is a rouse, and sets off with the help of a few Avengers to defeat Otto and his reassembled Sinister Six. The story demonstrates much of Ock's devilish resourcefulness and he gains the upper hand on numerous occasions through the story. Fortunately Peter has a trick or two up his sleeve as well and comes equipped with a new suit and plenty of interesting new gadgets to defeat his newly empowered foes. It's a classic 'Spidey versus Sinister Six' story, and one that could form the foundations of an exciting, action-packed game across multiple locations.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.