10 Spider-Man Comic Arcs That Would Make Incredible Video Games
3. Spider-Island
How do you solve the problem of making sure Spider-Man isn't too powerful to make a video game challenging? Well why not make sure everyone has the same powers? Everyone, you say? Yes; everyone. After all; that's pretty much how the story transpired in Spider-Island. A substance devised by Spidey foe and cloning fanatic The Jackal empowers everyone in New York with the Web-Slinger's unique powers. While this seems wonderful at first, it's simply the first step in a process that will see the citizens of New York completely turn into giant spiders whose only purpose is to serve the will of The Jackal's employer; the Spider Queen. The story ropes in members of the Avengers and asks the question - again - of what defines Spider-Man if not his powers. Ultimately the response ends up being Peter-based, and the challenge of taking on an entire city of Spider-Men proves to bring out the best of Parker yet again. While previous Spidey games have seen players tasked with defeating wave after wave of ragdoll-like thieves and muggers, a Spider-Island game would pose a real challenge that gamers would truly have to think about in their quest to succeed. How can Peter defeat his enemies when relying solely on unique powers is no longer an option?
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.