10 Spiritual Successors To Classic Video Games

8. Wargroove Succeeds Advance Wars

Tenchu shinobido

For whatever reason, Nintendo's long running hand held strategy series produced several sequels, whilst achieving critical acclaim, before promptly vanishing into the ether.

Since 2008, we've been denied any further instalments; well, if something's not in use, by all means, have a bash. Wargroove is a superb gem of a game that has all the quirky pixel art graphics of Nintendo's series, but replaces the cartoony semi-realistic setting with a cartoony medieval fantasy one.

It's everything a naturally produced sequel would have provided, elevating all that had gone before. The game places less emphasis on luck too, meaning careful planning and positioning of troops is key to your success, and far more rewarding for it. There's a lot to uncover as well, not just the usual unlockables, but online multiplayer with cross play between all the consoles, as well as PC. Plus, there's a fantastic and comprehensive map editor mode, so matches can be as long and complex or as simple as players want.

Just be careful, matches can last close to an hour, and you can still lose at the last hurdle if it all goes sideways.


Alex Harvey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.