10 Spiritual Successors To Classic Video Games

6. Thimbleweed Park Succeeds Monkey Island

Tenchu shinobido
Terrible Toybox

The point and click adventure used to be a huge staple of the video gaming landscape, but sadly fell into decline.

They were full of personality and charm, as well as clever puzzles, and some of the best writing committed to the medium. However, over time they just didn't seem to be able to compete with the fully interactive and open ended action adventure games that were able to merge much of what made the genre great.

Thanks largely to indie developers, which is usually the way these dormant series get revitalised, there are now loads more available today, as well as remasters of the originals.

Thimbleweed was one of the first original point and clicks to come along after such a big hiatus. It managed to capture the old school tone, pacing, and humour of the long dormant Monkey Island series, among many others.

Like enjoying a great book or TV show, point and clicks are enjoying their second wind, and this one is available on most systems; so there's no reason not to play this game.


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