10 Strongest Non-Boss Enemies In The Super Mario Franchise

3. T-Rex

Mario T-Rex

When the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey showed Nintendo's mascot transforming and controlling a Tyrannosaurus Rex, gamers were blown away. Who hasn't dreamed of playing as a dinosaur in a video game? (The correct answer is "no-one".) You haven't experienced true power in a Mario game until you smash through every block, tank, and Chain Chomp as this Cretaceous creature.

The first T-Rex you find is asleep and so, poses no threat, allowing you to take control of it with ease. The other T-Rexes you encounter pose a much, much bigger problem though.

If you thought it was cool to smash everything under the Sun as a dinosaur, how terrifying do you think it is when that same beast is chasing you? When you enter the Deep Woods in the Wooded Kingdom, the ground shakes every time the dino takes a step. In situations like this, you need to lead the gargantuan reptile into a wall or tree to knock it out.

The most terrifying moment is in the Metro Kingdom when you have to outrace a T-Rex on a scooter. Watching this monster devour everything in its path while trying to sink its teeth into you is genuinely petrifying.

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