10 Stupid Early Decisions That Ruin Entire Video Games

1. Double Kick - Pokemon Ruby

Heavy Rain jason

The third generation of Pokémon titles is one that is loved by so many. Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are some of the franchise's best offerings to this day, and while they provide three fantastic starters, there's one that learns a move early that allows it to breeze through most early-mid game enemies.

Torchic is the fire-type Pokemon that players will start with if they decide against Treecko or Mudkip on their journey through the Hoenn Region. It's a delightfully cute character that gets meaner as it levels up with its second evolution, Combusken, wielding a move that is immensely overpowered in relation to when it can be acquired.

Torchic evolves into Combusken at level 16, and with the change in looks comes a huge upgrade in the moves department. Double Kick is a fighting type move that deals two separate hits of damage, usually arriving just in time for the Rustboro City Gym that is a Rock Type affair.

This means it's weak to Fighting Type, allowing players to easily get through the game's first true obstacle. Its usefulness doesn't end there, though, and players will lean on it for hours to come, resulting in a somewhat boring gameplay loop.

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Heavy Rain
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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.