10 Super Mario Levels That Were Just Plain Unfair

7. Luigi's Purple Coins - Super Mario Galaxy

In Super Mario Galaxy, when players enter a galaxy that a purple coin comet is currently orbiting, they will be entered into a challenge to collect one hundred coins from it. Whilst most of these challenges are just a nice little bonus addition to the game, a couple are able to stand out with their tricky designs and occasional time constraints. None stand out more than Luigi's Purple Coins however.

This comet takes the shape of the very first iconic design of Mario's beloved little brother and splatters 150 purple coins on top of tiles that will disappear when a player steps on them.

Intense skill and careful navigation is the aim of the game here, with precise spin jumps the only safe way of hoovering the valuable bunches in the corners. Players should try their best to forget about out by the timer, start on the outside of the outline, work their way in by using long jumps for the coins in a straight line and they should be good. A simple side mission honestly had no right being this challenging though.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.