10 Surprisingly Great Multiplayer Modes In Single-Player Games
8. Mass Effect 3

Wave-based multiplayer can be hit and miss, but somehow Bioware made it one of the best parts of Mass Effect 3. Not only was it simply fun to play with friends, but it even gave you benefits in the single player campaign. That's multiplayer in a single player game done right.
Mass Effect 3 was the first in the series to feature multiplayer and, while it only featured the one mode, it was enough to keep players engaged beyond the totally beloved ending. The concept was simple; up to four players team together to face Reapers, Geth, Cerebrus, and Collectors, across 11 waves on 19 different maps!
That's a fairly extensive multiplayer mode and one that earned you a higher Galaxy readiness rating in the single-player campaign. The added-incentive was more than enough to encourage you to dive into the multiplayer but the mode then hooked its tentacles into you and never let go.