10 Surprisingly Great Multiplayer Modes In Single-Player Games

7. Assassin's Creed III

The Last Of Us

Ubisoft introduced multiplayer into Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, but the developer improved upon it greatly in AC: III.

Unlike other Assassin's Creed games, ACIII had a diverse landscape of towns, snowy frontier, and sea. That made the multiplayer stand out from the rest of the series up until that point. The Wolfpack mode saw 4 players teaming together to take out a target in a specific amount of time. The mode rewarded teamwork and that's something not often seen in multiplayer games, especially prior to games like Evolve.

Another mode was Domination, which tasked eight players with attempting to capture three zones in the frontier. The great thing about this mode was that, rather than have you run around like headless chickens with blades up their feathers, you were forced to try and blend in with NPC's, in order to fool other players. The unique gameplay modes, along with the iconic setting and storyline cutscenes you unlocked, created the series best multiplayer.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.