10 TERRIBLE Trailers That Gave You Awesome Video Games

5. No Man's Sky

No Mans Sky Thumb
Hello Games

To this day - and we're now talking half a decade on - there are people that still refuse to give No Man's Sky the time of day, because of how much Hello Games deceived the world with their marketing, and what state the game was in at launch.

It's always worth noting that the developers are very much aware of how much they screwed up, and 2021's version of the game feels like several sequel's worth of content and refinements have been added, just to continually apologise.

Point being though, that No Man's Sky's marketing was a complete mess. We all lived through what happened, but the more interesting takeaway is any conversation on how to market an in-progress game whatsoever.

In Hello Games' case, Sean Murray touted features and crafted fake trailers to show off mechanics the team hoped to hit in those remaining months and years, only for it all to fall apart once the game hit retail.

Sony were culpable, Hello Games and Sean Murray were culpable, but with Cyberpunk 2077 doing it all over again at the end of 2020, it proves that conversation is far from over.

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Gaming Editor

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