10 Terrible Video Game First Levels That Made Us Rage Quit

5. The Battlefield - T2: The Arcade Game

Kingdom come deliverance

T2: The Arcade Game is, like most arcade games, extremely difficult in the quest to part you from as much of your pocket money as possible, and the home release didn't prove to be anymore lenient.

The light gun shooter's first level takes places on a Los Angeles battlefield in 2029 during the final stages of the war between the human resistance and Skynet.

You need to mow down the seemingly never-ending fleet of Terminators and Hunter Killers while destroying a set of generators and then finally taking on a gigantic ground-level Hunter Killer boss which certainly doesn't go down easy.

The level lasts an unreasonable seven minutes and requires players to be incredibly on-the-ball throughout: so much as itching your neck for a second will give Skynet enough of an opening to put a huge dent in your energy bar. It is, in a word, bulls**t.

That's without getting into the need to manage your firepower and ensure you've got a constant slew of high-impact weaponry at your disposal.

Though the entire game is extremely difficult, this first level posed enough of a challenge that many never made it past it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.