10 Terrible Video Game First Levels That Made Us Rage Quit

4. An Awakening - Ghostrunner

Kingdom come deliverance
One More Level

Ghostrunner is a hardcore action platformer that will absolutely body you from the jump if you let it, especially if you played the game on launch before the developers introduced a more permissive Assist Mode.

Gameplay involves making your way through a series of perilous levels as fast as possible while jumping, dashing, grappling, wall-running, and battling an increasingly tough array of foes.

And Ghostrunner takes no prisoners from its very first level, An Awakening, which despite being an introduction to the game's traversal and combat mechanics, can easily see you die upwards of 50 times before making it to the end.

Given that a single mistake is typically all it takes to die, the margin of error is extremely, arguably unreasonably, low, ensuring there's a massive trial-and-error element right from that first level.

Sure, An Awakening is child's play compared to the game's later challenges, but it still presents enough frustrating hurdles to progress that some players might simply decide it isn't for them.

At least the devs were courteous enough to provide a demo of the first level pre-release to let consumers make a truly educated, albeit rage-filled purchasing decision.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.