10 Terrible Video Game Movies That Ruined Iconic Characters

6. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill

Resident Evil Wesker

Pyramid Head is the Boba Fett of Silent Hill. Despite initially having little characterisation, he became a definitive part of the franchise, purely because of his cool aesthetic. Debuting in Silent Hill 2, this creature slowly pursues the player, carrying a gargantuan sword-knife. Because his weapon scrapes across the floor, you always know when he's near, imbuing you with a sense of dread, even when you can't see the enigmatic bogeyman.

But Pyramid Head isn't just a mindless brute. Instead, he is the manifestation of the protagonist's haunted past and unresolved issues. Upon learning this, it makes you feel compassion for this character, who you originally believed to be nothing more than a random monster.

So, what did the filmmakers in charge of the adaptation do with Pyramid Head? They turned him into a random monster! Even though he looks suitably creepy in the Silent Hill film, his scenes are filled with a bajillion jump-cuts so you can barely understand what he's doing. He also turns into a goodie in the climax for seemingly no reason, making you wonder if the filmmakers ever bothered to play a Silent Hill game.


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