10 Terrible Video Game Ports NOBODY Asked For

7. Call Of Duty - Nokia N-Gage

Call of duty n gage

At this point, it almost feels as if criticising Nokia N-Gage games for being bad is like picking on pensioners for being rubbish at Laser Quest.

A bit unfair.

That said, there are actually a few N-Gage titles which weren't completely deplorable, making those which were look even worse by comparison.

Of this bunch, the port of Call Of Duty could well be the worst of all.

Forget for a moment the tiny, vertically-oriented screen; forget also the fact that you're attempting to play a quite involved first-person shooter using a literal mobile phone keypad, and just gaze in awe at the presentation.

It wouldn't be going too far to say that the graphics would look bad on a PS1 or N64, with ugly, washed-out colours, and character/environmental models so blocky that this might as well be a Lego game.

Worse than all of this, however, is the framerate.

Now, before you get all indignant, it is of course true that framerate isn't the be-all-and-end-all of modern gaming, but try to play Call Of Duty on the N-Gage which runs at a speed of about one frame every time the World Cup comes around, and you might start to feel a little bit different.

Just awful.

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Call of Duty
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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...