10 Terrible Video Game Ports NOBODY Asked For

6. StarCraft 64 - Nintendo 64

Call of duty n gage

StarCraft 64 is a rare breed of game; one which attempts to distil the PC experience of a mouse and keyboard real time strategy (RTS) game into a home console release.

Traditionally, these do not fare well, although Command and Conquer: Red Alert on PS1 and Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II on Xbox 360 show that it can indeed be accomplished with a modicum of success.

StarCraft 64 however, was a different story.

Releasing over a year after its parent title StarCraft and including the subsequent expansion Brood War, the N64 version at least tried to offer the full narrative experience.

As we know, however, RTS games are hard to control on consoles at the best of times, so imagine trying to perform such feats as selecting units, issuing battle commands, pulling up the map, and instigating combat with the already mental N64 controller... Jeez.

The controls weren't the only compromise for the N64 release either, with voice acting all but removed, cinematics scrapped completely, dialogue text removed or shortened, bad language censored, the music selection severely reduced... Need we go on?

On the one hand, you have to applaud Blizzard's intentions, but on the other hand is a massive, ridiculous controller.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...