10 Terrible Video Game Ports NOBODY Asked For

3. Mortal Kombat - Game Boy

Call of duty n gage

Back to fighting games.

While the Mortal Kombat series has indeed appeared on a huge variety of systems over the years, it is perhaps fair to suggest that the Game Boy version was the most ill-conceived of the bunch.

As with the 'Speccy version of Street Fighter II, you almost want to congratulate Acclaim for having the stones to put this game on Nintendo's classic handheld in the first place, but then you actually play it and immediately want someone to FINISH you (no, not in that way...).

The first thing you'll notice in this port is the horrendous music.

Okay, okay... it's the Game Boy, so picking on the sound may seem a bit harsh, but MY GOD is it painful.

Imagine the sound of R2-D2 and BB-8 making passionate droid-love, and you're about half way to understanding the noises which come (heyyy...) out of this thing during gameplay.

Add to this the inherent lack of input options with a two button system, the ugly, monochrome colour palette, the Nintendo-appropriate removal of blood (except when you, the player, stab yourself in anger), and the seemingly arbitrary lack of Johnny Cage (???), and you have a port which, whilst admittedly ambitious, is absolute Krap.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...