10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

5. Saw

Even if they don't personally appeal to you, the immense popularity of the Saw franchise is hard to overlook. A video game tie-in was an inevitability (after all, Jigsaw does love to play games) and it could have potentially been a worthwhile addition to the series.

Some of the successful elements of the Saw films are on show in the game. The plot ties in well to the films and the atmosphere is decent too. The game is massively let down by terrible gameplay though; the combat in particular is simply awful. Fights are often decided by who lands the first blow and locking onto an enemy and swinging is made frustratingly difficult.

Saw is known best for its puzzles though and the game tries to replicate that with a series of traps and trials which seek to push your character to his limits. Sadly, they're uninteresting and repetitive (an awful combination); seriously, how many times do you have to find a key in a syringe-filled pool of water?

It's an easy completion with a walkthrough (there's a lot of stuff that's easily missed) but even Jigsaw would struggle to find enjoyment in this torturous game.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.