10 Terrible Video Games That Tricked Us With Awesome Covers

2. Driv3r

Driv3rWhat We Expected: A slick entry into the Driver series that would make up for the serious flaws of the last game. Though there's not a lot to this cover, it's simple and effective. It really shouts out at a gamer browsing titles in a store. What We Got: One of the worst video game sequels ever made. The on-foot aspects that were criticised in Driver 2 are somehow even worse here, with the shooting sections being particularly painful as Tanner's aim is so horribly off-center. The most surprisingly awful element is how poorly the cars handle, and in addition to this there are countless glitches, as well as some outright terrible programming decisions, such as using rubberband AI to allow the police to catch up to players constantly. Despite having the best cover art of any of the Driver games, this turned out to be the worst of the lot, thought thankfully the series has regained its footing since.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.