3. Haze
What We Expected: Even ignoring the massive hype surrounding this game, Haze had a distinctive look, and gamers expected a unique shooter with an interesting artistic design. It being developed by Free Radical (Second Sight, the Timesplitters franchise) certainly didn't hurt.
What We Got: The so-called "Halo killer" was the absolute opposite of what we expected. The problem is that despite what its front cover might suggest, this is as sleep-inducingly generic as shooters come. It's a run-and-gun FPS without much strategy or personality, and visually, the game is mostly satisfied with making everything look shiny, though not actually giving it proper detail as well. As was most surprising given the team it was made by, the online multiplayer is also complete garbage, lacking any variety whatsoever, and unsurprisingly the community didn't last very long at all. Overall, Haze is a brief and relatively forgettable game that nobody really talks about anymore (except in lists like this), and with good reason.