10 TERRIFYING Enemies From Children's Video Games

8. Star Fox 64 - Andross

Zelda dead hand

Andross appears as the final boss within Star Fox 64 and is the archetype of a power-hungry mad scientist. He first emerges as a disembodied head and pair of hands that attack the crew, which- along with his chilling laugh- is already unsettling.

However, as the fight progresses and the player inflicts a certain amount of damage upon Andross, his outward appearance will disintegrate to reveal an even more disturbing second form. However, even as he is reduced to a floating brain with eyeballs attached, he insists that he is the only one with the 'brains' to rule.

His resolve does not weaken throughout the entire fight, no matter how much damage the player inflicts upon him. This is also reflected through how Andross has deliberately experimented upon himself in order to achieve this disembodied form.

It is also revealed that Andross has created other dangerous experiments, such as bio-weapons of mass destruction, indicating his twisted intelligence.

Whilst the player will have fought many enemies to reach this final boss, this is the most physically visceral enemy within Star Fox 64. While the violence is not gory,the imagery is disturbing, especially for a children's game.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!