10 TERRIFYING Enemies From Children's Video Games

7. Super Mario Odyssey - Maw-Ray

Zelda dead hand

Mario games are normally associated with bright colours and fun platforming and for the most part, this is an accurate depiction. However, Mario always has enemies to face, which can normally be beaten by jumping on them.

Maw-ray is an exception to this rule. Similarly to other eel enemies in the series, not only is it immune to attacks, but this iteration is complete with razor sharp teeth and speed, as it launches from its lair to devour Mario.

Even long-term players may be taken by surprise by this enemy, because not only is Mario more vulnerable underwater, due to him being unable to jump, but this is a colossal threat, which suddenly appears.

The gaping maw is referenced in Maw-ray's name, but that does not make it any more appealing to face for the first or fiftieth time. Any miscalculations can result in the player taking heavy unexpected damage, whilst already trying to navigate underwater.

May-raw completely demolishes any false sense of security the player may have had about exploring the calm and serene underwater scenery. This encounter also teaches players that no matter how accomplished they are at the game, there are still enemies that they physically cannot beat.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!