10 TERRIFYING Enemies From Children's Video Games

3. Rayman Origins - Tentacle Claws

Zelda dead hand

The design and actions of this enemy tap into a very specific set of primal fears. The idea of something unknown lurking in murky waters just waiting to lash out and snatch hold of you is terrifying. It may also result in players squinting suspiciously at any body of water after their initial encounter. They would be right to do so.

Another issue with these enemies is that even if the player anticipates their sudden appearances and swift speeds, Tentacle Claws cannot be damaged by Rayman. They must be avoided instead, which only adds to the difficulty in swimming or platforming, since their reach is not limited to the water itself.

What makes these enemies even more terrifying for a children's game is through how distinctly their design contrasts with Rayman's and the (usually) colourful settings. The Tentacle Claws are nightmarish, jagged and dark, camouflaging themselves in equally dark waters and waiting for Rayman to pass by before striking.

.This form of hiding in plain sight means that even experienced players may still be surprised by Tentacle Claws. Sometimes their appearance is only noticeable once Rayman has taken damage or been killed by them, making them a constant possible threat.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!