10 TERRIFYING Enemies From Children's Video Games

2. Kingdom Hearts - Darkside

Zelda dead hand
Square Enix

Although players will have to fight this boss (or its slight variations) many times across the Kingdom Hearts series, its first appearance is sure to make a lasting impression. Darkside is a hulking pureblood heartless, which is first encountered during Sora's Dive to the Heart, which serves as a navigation and combat tutorial.

All of the previously taught skills must be used against Darkside, which involves hacking and slashing at its weak points. This battle always ends with Sora being engulfed by shadows before waking up. This is an particularly poignant, since Darkside is a manifestation of the darkness inside himself.

Appearing humanoid in stature, Darkside looms high above Sora on the battleground and is physically intimidating, even before it starts attacking. It is also able to summon other minor heartless shadows to fight alongside it.

Whilst this first encounter can be written off as existing only as a dream entity, Darkside soon appears again, when Destiny Islands is cast into darkness. This dark, imposing enemy is a direct contrast to the previously serene island setting.

The idea of the power of light versus darkness is prevalent throughout the entire Kingdom Hearts series, but this encounter acts as an immediate (physical) introduction.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!