10 Terrifying Video Game Monsters You Were Completely Unprepared For

8. The Evil Within - Laura

Bloodborne Ebrietas
Bethesda Softworks

The Evil Within was set to reignite the survival horror genre left decimated by Resident Evil 6 (stop defending it, it happened). Whilst it may not have blazed trails, it still gave us a decent if slightly muddled action-adventure title.

Playing like Resident Evil 4 with an Inception twist, most of its bosses are pretty standard. The Keeper, for example, is your tank-like bullet sponge.

Whereas Laura, she's just F.E.A.R inducing. Like a hybrid of Alma (see, that pun makes sense now) and Sadako from The Ring, black hair and all, that should have been enough.

Not for Tango Gameworks, though. They sought to add more terror by making her a nimble, teleporting, haunt-your-dreams mid-game boss fight.

Considering the arsenal Sebastian is granted, you'd think he'd be equipped for this. But having guns is one thing, finding the ammunition is another.

What makes this harder is you don't get much time to breathe. Like a homing pigeon of death, Laura can and will seek you out. And no, it's not warm, embracing hugs she's offering.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.