10 Things Alien: Isolation Will Do Better Than Aliens: Colonial Marines

1. The Entire Game

All of the failings of Aliens: Colonial Marines touched upon here should outline just why that game was such a disappointment. The whole experience from beginning to end was a colossal screw up of epic proportions. Other than a somewhat fun multiplayer experience, the entire game was unworthy of the prestigious material it was based on. In contrast, all the aspects of Isolation highlighted here should show how much better as a whole it will be in comparison. Yes, perhaps there is a bit too much positivity being thrown around given how much we got burnt last time, but there are legitimate reasons to be a bit more excited for Isolation. Even if it ends up being a disappointment relative to the hype, there is no way it will be as bad as Colonial Marines. Between the countless video previews and hands-on demos, as well as the general openness of the developer (not the case with Gearbox), there is too much evidence supporting our confidence that Alien: Isolation will be an all around better Alien experience than Colonial Marines was. You can count on it. Are you excited for Alien: Isolation? Skeptical? Let us know in the comments!

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.