10 Things Alien: Isolation Will Do Better Than Aliens: Colonial Marines

7. The Horror

This one is a certainty. Colonial Marines didn€™t have an ounce of horror. Sure it tried, but at no point did it even come close to succeeding. Moments that were supposed to be scary, like your first encounter with an Alien, just ended up being throw away moments that are anything but. The closest it got is during a section where you have to sneak around blind Aliens, and even that ended up being funny due to the walking animations. Isolation is without question going to be a scarier game. Anyone who has had the chance to play it early has been enthusiastic about how tense and scary it is. This time the Alien is a proper enemy that can stalk and kill you, and then there are the androids, with their soulless inhuman eyes, that have the potential to be just as scary in a different way. It€™s not just about the Alien, but the entire experience of being isolated out in space while a Lovecraftian beast attempts to use your body for reproduction. Even if Isolation doesn€™t quite meet its expectations, the bar was set so low by Colonial Marines that it honestly won€™t take much for Isolation to be a scarier experience.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.