10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

2. A Next-Gen Feel And Experience

The rather nebulous-sounding 'next gen experience' is something players have been trying to seek out all year-long, as it certainly didn't appear in things like the slightly shinier-looking Assassin's Creed: Black Flag or the by-the-numbers Knack. Ryse definitely had some kick, but like 300 there wasn't a lot going on behind all the eyeball-tickling abs on display. COD doesn't up the ante too much in terms of innovative gameplay, it simply takes what Titanfall was trying to do and role-reverses it. Whilst the latter elected to champion slower, mech-based combat only to find out players like to sprint around unencumbered, COD's core gameplay makes your base soldier a three quarter-human, one-part hybrid, also capable of occasionally diving into a mech suit for some additional firepower. It's in the graphics where you'll really be blown away though, Battlefield 4 had a similar visionary gut-punch last year, but that game was dragged down by a series of bugs that ended up taking it off at the knees, with EA providing a couple of bandages to wounds that really needed some care and attention over time. Advanced Warfare's cutscenes are uncannily realistic - just look at Kevin Spacey above - and in-game the amount of particle effects, realistic physics, detailed environments, explosions and overall realisation that everything is revolving around you (at 60 frames per second no less) is something the previous consoles couldn't do to anywhere near this level.
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