10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

3. Fantastic Use Of Concept

The idea of bio-mechanical soldiers isn't anything particularly new, although you'll be pretty hard-pressed to find any games that really do it with the realism and weight on display here. Instead, taking such a cool sci-fi concept and delivering on it in the semi-real world is pretty refreshing. Okay sure, the campaign story gets pretty dumb at points and you could easily argue the whole thing is 'unrealistic' just on the face of it, but COD is thoroughly sure of itself throughout - something just not the case with Destiny. Dancing between faux-religious pandering and the expectance that you'll join the characters in staring listlessly at the world around you whilst remarking on how much they all don't know does little to make you understand what a giant floating orb is doing in the sky, or why you should know your Awokens from your Fallens. Destiny does nothing with the potentially brilliant world the art team have designed - because it does look absolutely gorgeous, all things considered - whereas COD knows exactly what it can be, and acts accordingly. They even give you a perk that drastically reduces the aim-flicker when being shot; one of the most annoying things about the previous 'COD experience' everyone's put up with for years.
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