10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

1. A Full Product

Destiny is a 'full retail product' by definition and nothing else. It was sold at full price and consumed en masse, to the tune of tens of thousands of copies. But as has been long-discussed on forums, reviews and between players since that first launch day, is whether it's actually worth the money. There's no discernible story - its original intent for a campaign was gutted out for the sake of expansions (the first of which is out now) and so with millions of fans of Halo's multiplayer component seemingly outweighing those that only play for the campaign, Destiny has managed to slide through relatively unscathed due to a supremely tight online mode. Overall the game is bare-bones, you've got a string of missions with some terribly-voiced dialogue along with some semblance of a narrative in regards to mentioning characters and doing nothing with them, and you have the online deathmatch variants with a sprinkle of exploration in some side-quests - that's it. COD features a very memorable and enjoyable campaign with a variety of mission types and goals, an incredibly robust multiplayer, a dedicated cooperative mode that can be played locally and a general feeling that you've put money down on a full game - not just an empty husk waiting to be filled over a much-discussed 'ten year plan'. Which other aspects of gameplay or presentation does COD do better than Destiny? Let us know in the comments!
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