10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

7. Multiplayer Voice-Over

If you're going to be playing as much multiplayer as the big guns of the industry want you to, chances are as far as Destiny's concerned it means you'll have noticed how utterly terrible their voice over guy is. Where Halo had the brilliantly-quotable tone of Jeff Steitzer, chucking out things like "Slayerrr" or "Flag Captured" with enough weight to transcend generations, Destiny's attempt at motivation sounds more like an angry Peter Molyneux, getting more annoyed but in a really restrained way that just makes you question your very purpose in the world itself. The basic idea of the Guardians you play as in Destiny is to be humanity's main form of defence against 'The Darkness', a duty that after being berated by the voice over guy and talking to the character of The Speaker, is supposed to be something of an honour - a discipline that should come across as making you feel like you're chosen to take part in battle. However, as this sense of drive is almost completely absent in terms of scriptwriting and must instead be inferred, that lack of weight or responsibility isn't even remotely instilled in the player. Instead the many instances of a slightly perturbed Englishman saying things like "Prove yourself, Guardian!", "You're falling behind" or referring to you as a "Disappointment" are just plain annoying.
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