10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

6. A Sense Of Purpose To The World

This tingle of not really knowing what you're doing or who you're fighting for or against in Destiny's campaign is something that ends up personifying the game overall. You repeatedly have to dig deep or get involved in forum discussions to really generate any sense of purpose to the proceedings, and in the end those of us that played through Destiny with the hope that everything would fall into place in the late-game were very disappointed. With Call of Duty it's long-since been a signature trait that the games' various campaigns put you in the centre of a bullet n' bombs-hurricane, the campaign itself only moving forward when you do, as the whole thing feels like you're piloting a camera through one hell of an elaborate shooting gallery, and not a huge amount more. That's not a negative, instead this is something COD has honed and refined to a state where if you've a penchant for any type of action movie, it can be a very fun ride. The problem Destiny had - and still has, being there's not enough 'expansion packs' to make the narrative even worth describing - is that total lack of purpose in the world. You're one cog in an ever-changing machine, and maybe some players are okay with contributing a little to a large war effort over time, but as mentioned in the previous entry, when you're lambasted and derided for being 'just a number' that's under-performing, it's simply off-putting.
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