10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

5. A Memorable Campaign

Remember when Michael Bay was good? It's pretty hard looking back through a miasma of CG ninja turtles and girl's bottoms permeating your peripheral vision, but back in the late 90's, Bay actually had a pretty solid reputation for occasionally hitting the sweet spot between balancing awesome character moments with overblown set-pieces and a wanton need for destruction. When Call of Duty is done right, it's like those times when Bay actually works. It's dodging cars on the freeway in Bad Boys II, it's the cool camera angles and depth of field that occasionally (let's not get carried away) cements a moment in your mind forevermore, and it's that sensation that under the right guiding hand, there's a great number of us that are happy to sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride. COD knows this in 2014, and it delivers in spades. Now naturally this isn't what Destiny was going for whatsoever, quite the opposite in fact. But even Destiny's attempt at this pseudo-philosophical bent on humanity's place in the universe suddenly being effected by a celestial entity that advances us far beyond our imaginations is a premise almost completely ignored throughout. By the end of Destiny's campaign you'll have a litany of questions and nowhere to find answers outside of visiting the game's website - something that if you have to leave the experience to do, speaks volumes as to its level of engagement.
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