10 Things Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Does Better Than Destiny

4. Locomotion And The Flow Of Combat

What's the identifying thing that makes you know you're watching footage of Destiny? You could make a case for the boost-jumps, but it's the character-powers that really make every deathmatch pop. Lobbing balls of dark energy across the map or setting light to your pistol for increased damage are those moments that can really turn the tide, and depending on how much you like extended firework displays, Bungie's restraint at governing their use by giving you a meter that slowly fills is a divisive one. COD has no such incredible powers, but it does take on Destiny in the movement stakes, as along with a one-two boost jump that can redirect you in mid-air (something that makes airborne firefights great fun) you can also punch the lights out of the nearest soldier with enough force to send them careening across a room, or leap up and perform a slam attack. None of these things are governed by a meter or any sort or a reward, instead matches in COD tend to take off at lightspeed and remain there. Sure that more floaty-yet-weighty feel is something Bungie cultivated perfectly with Halo, but in Destiny there's something missing from the flow of combat when it comes to really hooking you in for the long haul.
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