10 Things Capcom Wants You To Forget About Resident Evil

9. Revered Fourth Entry Is Actually Responsible For The Downward Spiral

When it was released in 2005, the world sat stunned by what Resident Evil 4 had to offer. The gaming landscape was very different back then, the industry was still in the original Xbox and PS2 era. Resi 4 pushed the PS2 to its very limits, and it's an undeniably great game. However, it's shockingly part of the problem, and a real reason why Resident Evil has declined instead of progressed. During the first 3 main entries in the series, Resident Evil was renowned for a being a slower-paced, tense affair. Indeed, the games were all about atmosphere, and definitely belonged in the survival horror category. Many enemies were slow-moving zombies, which made quicker ones - such as 'The Licker' - even more frightening. Tank-like controls also enhanced the feeling of helplessness. Resident Evil 4 changed that. The main character, Leon Kennedy, moved more quickly than he had done during his previous appearance in Resi 2. The tank controls were pretty much gone, and Leon was much more adept at defending himself against hordes of faster-moving enemies. This changed how Resident Evil played, something that has only been heightened with each passing game.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.