10 Things Capcom Wants You To Forget About Resident Evil

8. The Original Had Utterly Horrendous Writing

The original Resident Evil is a definitive horror classic. There was just something about the overall atmosphere of the game that was immediately foreboding. Trapped in a spooky mansion, the player had no choice but to explore and reveal the horrors awaiting them. Sadly, the first game was released when video games weren't quite the Hollywood-worthy blockbusters they are today. Writing and voice acting in games has improved without question. Now, development houses are able to cherry pick from some fine talent, and the focus placed on ensuring things read and sound good is bigger than ever. Back in 1996, that wasn't the case, something Resident Evil proves. Right from the off, the voice acting is terrible. Incredibly stilted, uninspiring dialogue permeates every scene. One of the most infamous is when one of the main characters, Jill Valentine, almost finds herself squashed by the ceiling in a trick room. Once she's rescued, her comrade Barry Burton remarks that she was almost, "a Jill Sandwich". That's the kind of thing being discussed here, it just came across as more comically bad instead of cool and well-written.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.