10 Things Capcom Wants You To Forget About Resident Evil

6. Resident Evil 6 Was Far Too Action-Heavy

Resident Evil 6 was the biggest Resi game yet when it was released in 2012. Not only were there 3 full campaigns, but the title also included 6 playable characters and even online action. That's a lot of content, but it seems Capcom simply felt the best way to go about things was to throw as much as possible at gamers. Along the way, they missed the point of what made Resident Evil so special to begin with. There was no tight narrative, this was like the ADHD version of Resident Evil. Big explosions and a lack of real horror made it difficult to become emotionally attached to what was happening. As soon as something big had happened in the story, there was another loud bang, as if the developers were saying, 'Look! Ignore that thing that's just happened, there's something else happening over here!'. That didn't give anything in the game room to breathe, and a lot of players didn't even see everything Resi 6 had to offer as a result. Instead of playing like a Resident Evil title, the game felt like a poor-man's Gears Of War, with some zombies thrown in to try and remind people the series they were currently slogging through. Big action set pieces are not necessarily what people want from Resident Evil, Capcom have to be told this.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.