10 Things We Learned From The Titanfall Beta

2. Matches Are Too Short

This is a frequent complaint of mine in FPS games, and hopefully one that isn't indicative of Titanfall as a final product: hopefully players will be given the freedom to change gameplay options up as they see fit. I spent most of my time on the Beta playing Attrition mode, and great fun though it is, most of the rounds tended to be over in between 5-6 minutes, which again makes it feel more like a quick round of Call of Duty. Given how long I've found myself waiting in lobbies for a match to start (an 80-second countdown is way too long), it doesn't really seem worth it when a round is just a few minutes longer. Just as I'm hitting my stride and racking up a good score, the game is over. The rounds need to be at least double the point limit they're currently set at, and I'm crossing my fingers that some sort of customisation or filtering system is added into the final game.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.