10 Things Nintendo’s Best Video Games Can Teach Pokémon Sun & Moon
3. Bring Greater Action - Kid Icarus
The limitations of turn-based combat are obvious, but their strengths are such that a great many series' have continued to stick by them over the years. Pokémon is one of the most famous examples of this, and luckily the developers have always managed to find ways to to keep this energetic enough to compete with some of the more action-heavy RPGs on the market.
More can still be done in this regard, however, and the battle animations are in need of just a little more flash if they're going to be deemed an improvement on the reworked scenes in X & Y. A successful 3DS title like Kid Icarus: Uprising is perfect inspiration for this, as it proves just what the device's hardware is really capable of.
Combat in Kid Icarus: Uprising is crafted around spry movements and an active protagonist, giving the 3DS some of its biggest graphical challenges so far. The handheld console pulls them off with aplomb, however, and the game looks really great as a result.
This game should absolutely give Game Freak the confidence to take the battles of Pokémon Sun & Moon up a notch on the excitement scale!