10 Things NOBODY Wants To Admit About Battle Royale

5. No Genre Is Safe

Apex Legends

If there's one thing in this world that makes absolutely no sense upon initial impression, it has to be Tetris 99. On the surface everything looks okay, but wait, why are there miniature versions of Tetris being played all around the screen?

Most importantly, how have 4 hours passed in the blink of an eye?

Tetris 99 really pushes the boundaries on what exactly a Battle Royale is, while also managing to be one of the most fun and innovative variations on the subject.

However it also brings with it the horrifying realisation that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The floodgates are now open for a variety of bizarre variations on classic game formula.

Imagine the dystopian future of video gaming ushered in by this Epic Games regime, a new region of Pokemon set on a giant circle with poke balls scattered everywhere, getting a Rattata is a death sentence. Or worse Breath of the Wild with 100 players all on the map of Hyrule, shield surfing and paragliding everywhere.

Actually hang on that's not a bad idea, someone get Nintendo on the phone.

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Apex Legends
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