10 Things Only Hardcore Nintendo Fans Will Understand

2. You Have Spent More Than $100 On Virtual Console Games

nintendo virtual console

The call of old Nintendo titles is strong, and the company knows its software library has serious appeal to fans old and new. The Virtual Console has been a masterful stroke whereby Nintendo (at least on Wii) never wavered on price: no discounts, sales, alterations in pricing structures or tiers - everything stayed at the same level for better or worse.

Regrettably, it meant you had to pace yourself and not buy all the games from your childhood (plus a few extras you'd always wanted to try) in the first few days, lest you leave yourself without a month's rent or mortgage payment. It also forces you to be picky about what to resample from your past: is Cruisin' USA really worth going back to?

A few years down the line, however, and those one-off purchases soon start to stack up as you accrue a larger and larger library of past greats. You'll find yourself not finishing games a second time around, and wonder how it all came to be.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.