10 Things Only Star Wars Battlefront 2 Fans Will Understand

7. The Joy Of Killing Ewoks

Star Wars Battlefront 2 fans

On the other hand, however, you DO get to kill them...

Now, experts always say that a history of harming small creatures is a massive red flag, a sign that the perpetrator is likely to go on to commit even more heinous crimes in the future. Killing Ewoks, though, is absolutely fine. It's even encouraged in certain quarters. (If you happen to wear all white and happen to go by the callsign TK-421, that is.)

Going back to the aforementioned Ewok Hunt mode, we have already established the unbridled shame felt by players who are unceremoniously taken out by these minuscule muppets, so it follows that exacting your revenge is equally satisfying.

Alone in the dark, E-11 at the ready, you hear the unmistakable chirping and mumbling of these cuddly critters, and see your squad-mates fall to business end of their pointy wooden sticks.

Do you, too, die at their hands (paws?)? Do you hit the Emote button to begin weeping in place?

No. You line up your shot, pull the trigger, and bring the little blighters down in a hail of glorious laser fire.

Oh, the satisfaction is palpable.

Take that, you vertically-challenged demons of the forest.

(Disclaimer: No Ewoks were harmed in the production of this article).


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...