10 Things Open-World Games Need To STOP DOING

7. Accidentally Triggering Missions

open world assassins creed valhalla

What is the point of an open-world game? What separates these games from all others?

The ability to go off and do whatever you want, when you want.

Oftentimes players will just want to run around the map for a bit, knowing where the main storylines are and keeping a wide berth until they're ready to tackle them.

So, when an open-world game suddenly shoehorns a player and forces them to do a specific quest, it can be one of the most frustrating feelings. It's unbelievably common for games to steal the controls away, trigger a cutscene, or start a mission just because a player has wandered too close to a certain point without warning.

The Far Cry series is infamous for starting missions, often when a player is in the middle of something else, transporting them halfway around the map to do a main quest that can take a while to complete and get back from.

Some games will ask players to hit a button before kickstarting proceedings, but it's honestly baffling why this isn't a genre staple.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.