10 Things Rockstar Must Do With Red Dead Redemption 2

5. Have A Deeper Main Character

John Marston was a good man. John Marston was a capable man. John Marston, however, was not a great main character. The problem with Red Dead Redemption's protagonist was that he always seemed like a victim of circumstance. Constantly dragged into some new affair on his way towards vengeance against his own gang, Marston offered little more than the occasional joke or tough-guy glare to showcase his stance on things. While some of the character's motivations and past came to light late in the game, players spent most of RDR in control of a man who seemed perfectly willing to to be a weapon in everyone else's war. Hopefully, whoever Rockstar chooses for their hero in RDR 2 will have a little more say in their own affairs.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.