10 Things That Gamers Today Will Never Experience

8. Dedicated Split-Screen Multiplayer

Halo split screen
343 Industries

Back in the day, games were something you did together. Nothing was better than getting a bunch of friends together, loading up on snacks and enjoying a day of couch multiplayer, be it a Mario Party marathon, crashing into each other on Gran Turismo, or competing in a 3-on-1 handicap match between Mark Henry, Great Khali & Big Show against your best create-a-wrestler of Gollum in WWE games (ah, memories).

Gaming parties were just the best of times, now likely to be lost thanks to the ever-growing rise of online multiplayer.

In some ways, online is a better way to play as travel is no longer an issue, and you don't have to worry about moving long distances to get your fix of Halo 2.

On the downside, you miss all those social interactions you'd get from Lego Star Wars co-op or versus matches in Tekken. Online, you're not with your friends and sometimes not even speaking to them if you don't have a decent headset.

Sneaking a look at your friend's screen to take advantage at a key point in a match was also part of the fun, and there'd always be great banter.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!